Solana Smart Contracts: Undefined Function Error in Minting Process

As a developer working with Solana, you have probably encountered various errors while testing and deploying your smart contracts. Recently, I encountered an undefined function error while creating my Solana contract using the “node” command-line interface (CLI). In this article, we will explore the error, its causes, and potential solutions.

The Error

When running the following command:

npx solana-cli build --network mainnet --tag

I encountered the following output:


"error": "Minting from candy machine failed",

"details": [

"Unable to create tokens without a name or ticker. Please set a valid name and ticker before creating tokens."



This error message indicates that Solana is unable to create tokens due to an undefined function in the contract metadata.

Understanding Metadata

In Solana, metadata is used to provide additional information about a smart contract, such as its name, ticker, and other details. The “name” and “ticker” fields are used to identify the contract and enable the Minting from Candy Machine (MCM) feature.

To resolve the undefined function error, I checked that the “name” and “ticker” fields were correctly defined in my contract metadata:

// solana.cjs

const mint = wait mintContract.addTransaction("My Token", {

name: "My Token",

ticker: "MTK",


// server.js


const web3 = require('@solana/web3');

const { SolanaProgram } = require('@solana/spl');

(async() => {

// Initialize the wallet and connect to the Solana network

const connection = new web3.WebsocketConnection({

endpoint: "wss://",


console.log('Connected to Solana network');

// Set up the program account and metadata for Minting from Candy Machine (MCM) functionality

const mintContract = await web3.loadProgram(



accounts: [


programId: "your-program-id",



programId: "your-account-address"

account: connection,



metadata: [


name: "My Token",

ticker: "MTK",





// Run Minting from Candy Machine (MCM) functionality

const mint = await mintContract.addTransaction({

name: "My Token",

ticker: "MTK",



Additional Recommendations

To ensure that your Solana smart contracts are configured correctly, follow these additional recommendations:

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the undefined function error and successfully mint tokens using Solana’s Minting from Candy Machine (MCM) feature.

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