Ethereum Reverse Transaction: Uniswap router 0x02 SwapExactETHForToken

As an Ethereum developer, you are probably no stranger to the intricacies of interacting with decentralized exchanges and smart contracts. I recently encountered a frustrating issue with the Uniswap router (0x02) when trying to swap ETH for an ERC20 token using the swapExactETHForToken function.

Problem: Transactions are reversed

To understand what is happening, let’s analyze the scenario:

However, each time this transaction occurs, it is reversed by the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). This problem arises due to a common issue known as “reentrancy” or “reentrancy with callbacks”.

Uniswap Router Issue

In the case of the Uniswap router (0x02), the swapExactETHForToken function is vulnerable to reentrancy attacks. When a contract calls this function, it triggers a callback in the Uniswap router, which can lead to an infinite loop of calls and eventually result in the transaction being rolled back.

Fix: Unwrap the transaction

To fix the problem, I wrapped the swapExactETHForToken call using the unwrap function provided by the Uniswap library. This allows us to avoid triggering the callback and prevent the reentrancy attack.

Here is an example of how you can use the “unwrap” function:

pragma solidity ^ 0,8,0;

import "

MySwap contract {

SwapRouter02 public uniswapRouter;

constructor() {

uniswapRouter = new SwapRouter02();


function swapExactETHForToken(uint256 _amountIn, uint256[] memory _tokenA, address _to) public {

// Call the unwrap function to prevent re-entry

uniswapRouter.unwrap(_amountIn, _tokenA, _to);



By wrapping the swapExactETHForToken call with the unwrap function, we ensure that the callback is not triggered and the transaction is successfully executed.


While the problem of reentrancy attacks can be frustrating, it is essential to understand what is happening and take steps to resolve it. In this case, wrapping the swapExactETHForToken call with the unwrap function provides a solution to prevent reentrancy attacks on the Uniswap router (0x02).

As developers, we need to be aware of these issues and take the necessary precautions to ensure the security and integrity of our smart contracts.

Additional Tips

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