Ethereum: safe-global/auth-kit CORS policy issues on localhost
Ethereum: Safe-Global/Auth Kit CORS Policy Issues on Localhost As an Ethereum developer, you are probably familiar with the importance of cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) policies in modern web applications. However, Safe-Global/Auth Kit, a popular library for authenticating users on Ethereum, has been known to introduce CORS issues on localhost due to its use of CORS-enabled […]
Ethereum: How does the mixing service work?
Ethereum: A Comprehensive Guide to Mixing Service As cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology continue to evolve, decentralized services like Bitcoin Mixer have gained popularity among users looking for secure and private ways to store their assets. One such service is the mixing service, which has been around since 2014. In this article, we’ll take […]
Ethereum: What is a good analogy (which a layperson would understand) for the process of Bitcoin mining?
Here is a draft of the article: Ethereum: What is a good analogy (that a layman would understand) for the Bitcoin mining process? Imagine that you have a super powerful computer that can solve complex mathematical equations in a matter of seconds. This computer is like a very advanced “miner” that helps verify new transactions […]
How to protect your cryptocurrency when trading
How to Keep Your Crypto Safe While Trading As the world of cryptocurrency continues to grow, trading these digital assets has become a popular and lucrative way to earn money. However, with great power comes great responsibility, especially when it comes to keeping your crypto safe while trading. With the rise of scams, hacks, and […]
Metamask: Metamask sees the contract address as a personal address
Here is the article: Metamask: A Cautionary Tale – Contract Address as a Personal Address As many users of MetaMask, a popular Ethereum browser extension, have learned the hard way, I wanted to share my experience of accidentally transferring an NFT from a wallet address to its contract address. While this may seem like a […]
Ethereum: How many people are estimated to own bitcoins in 2017?
The Growth of Bitcoin Ownership: A Global Perspective As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, one thing is clear: Bitcoin ownership has grown significantly over the past two years. In this article, we’ll look at the estimated number of people worldwide who own Bitcoin and find out how many people have adopted Ethereum. A Historical […]
How AI is Reshaping Economic Strategies in Cryptocurrency
How AI is Transforming Cryptocurrency Economic Strategies The rise of cryptocurrencies has ushered in a new era of financial innovation, and artificial intelligence (AI) is playing a significant role in shaping the industry’s economic strategies. As more people invest in cryptocurrencies, traditional financial institutions and governments are adjusting their approaches to stay competitive. Increased Adoption […]
Digital Wallet, Volatility, PoS
Cryptocurrency’s Crazy Ride: Navigating the Volatile World of Digital Wallets and Proof-of-Work (PoS) In recent years, cryptocurrencies have experienced a surge in popularity, attracting the attention of investors, traders, and enthusiasts. The landscape is constantly changing, and new technologies are emerging to challenge the traditional way of thinking about digital assets. Among these innovations, two […]
Ethereum: Is there a pros and cons chart comparing Bitcoin Rootstock vs. Ethereum smart contract system?
Ethereum Rootstock vs Ethereum Smart Contracts: Comparison Chart Two popular platforms have emerged in the world of blockchain technology: Ethereum and Rootstock. Both platforms use smart contracts to facilitate transactions and interactions between users. However, they differ significantly in terms of design, functionality, and overall user experience. In this article, we will compare Ethereum Rootstock […]
Ethereum: transaction rolled back during swapExactETHForToken call on uniswapRouter02
Ethereum Reverse Transaction: Uniswap router 0x02 SwapExactETHForToken As an Ethereum developer, you are probably no stranger to the intricacies of interacting with decentralized exchanges and smart contracts. I recently encountered a frustrating issue with the Uniswap router (0x02) when trying to swap ETH for an ERC20 token using the swapExactETHForToken function. Problem: Transactions are reversed […]