Unlock Ethereum Uniswap V3-Core Secrets: Understanding Tickmath
Ethereum Blockchain has become a platform for one of the most popular decentralized stock markets (DEXS), UNISWAP for cryptocurrencies and investors. The UNISWAP-V3 basic code base is a critical element of the UNISWAP protocol, which allows for smooth interactions between users and facilitates the replacement of cryptocurrencies. One of the most important features of the V3-Core Code Base Tickmath.Sol use a search table to derive the 10001 square root using binary fixed point baritmetics in Q128 and Q96.
The search table: Critical ingredient
In this article, we dive into the details of how the V3-Core Uniswap derives the search table used in Tickmath. We examine the underlying mathematics of the process, which provides an insight into the binary fixed score -barrithmetics and the Q128 used by the code base.
Background: The SQRT function
The “SQRT” feature is a basic building component of mathematical operations, which requires accurate control over precision levels. In the context of tickmath, this feature calculates the 1,0001 square root with binary fixed score with a baritmetics in Q128 and descending to Q96.
In order to understand how Uniswap V3-Core reaches this feat, we break down the process:
SQRT (10001) Computing Binary Fixed Score using -Aarithmetics
Binary Fixed Point Aarithmetics is a mathematical technique depicted with a fixed number of bits, allowing accurate calculations and effective storage of values. In Tickmath, the sqrt
function uses this approach to calculate 1,0001 square roots.
The process includes 10001 with 2^n (where n is a whole), where n represents the precision level. This sharing is carried out using a loop that ittered through 1,0001 bits, updating the ratio and the remainder at each step. The final result is then reduced to the Q96 with the help of bit change and masking operations.
Detection of the search table
The derived search table is essential for various mathematical functions, including squares, to enable it. Uniswap V3-Core uses a technique called “search tables” or “indexed arrays” to store the pre-calculated values of these functions. In this case, the search table contains the pre -calculated values of the “SQRT” function, allowing fast and accurate calculations.
Implementation details
Implementation of TickMath in the V3-Core code base is slightly dense, but it is essential to understand the use of the search table:
Pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contracted tickmath {
// storing search table
mapping (address => uint64 [256]) public appearance;
// feature to reach the square root of 1,0001 at a specified tick value
Function Getqrtratratioattick (Uint24 Tick) Public View Returns (Uint64 Memory) {
// Check that the search table already contains -e the result of the tick value
is required (Leseeseptables [msg.seender] [mark]! = 0);
// if not, calculate and store the result in the search table
uint64 [] memory -looking = leearruptables [msg.seender] .get (tick, 256);
Lookuptables [Msg.Sender] [Mark] = Look [0];
return return [1]; // return the second value (index 1) for demonstration purposes
UNISWAP V3-CORE TICKMATH.SOL presents a robust implementation of binary fixed score atomism and the Q128 reduction, taking advantage of the calculated search table to calculate effective results. By understanding the process, developers can build on the same principles to create their own optimized mathematical features for various applications of the Ethereum blockchain.